Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Primary education Essay Example for Free

Primary education Essay According to the Kenyan government, education is â€Å"A long term objective to provide basic quality education to enhance Kenyans ability to preserve and utilize the environment for productive and sustainable livelihoods, to develop quality of the human race; to realize the universal access to education and training for all including the disadvantaged and the vulnerable and as a necessary tool for development and protection of the democratic institutions of human rights† (Ministry Of Education Science and Technology, 2005 pp2). The current Kenyan education system consists of Early Childhood Education, primary and secondary education. Early Childhood Education takes one year. At the end of the primary education, pupils sit for the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) prepared by the Kenya National Examination Council. Performance in the KCPE determines who is admitted to secondary schools. At the end of secondary education, students sit for the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education. Primary school education in Kenya is a basic and is considered the root of all formal and informal learning in Kenya. Free and compulsory primary education for Kenyan children was one of the key pre-election promises that led the NARC government led by President Mwai Kibaki, to ascend to power in December 2002. Since then, an estimated 1. 5 million children, who were previously out-of school, have turned up to attend classes (Paul Kenya, 2008). The free Primary Education policy was first implemented in January 2003. The FPE policy focuses on attaining Education For all and in particular, Universal Primary Education. Key concerns are access, retention, equity, quality and relevance and internal and external efficiencies within the education system (Ministry Of Education Science and Technology, 2005a, pp3). Through the FPE policy, the NARC government scrutinized the current 8-4-4 systems, which had previously been coupled with retention and reduced enrolment before it came to power. The policy’s focus is on â€Å"quality education and training as a human right in accordance to Kenya law and international conventions† (Ministry Of Education Science and Technology, 2005 pp3). VISION Quality education for development. (Elimu bora Kwa Maendeleo) MISSION To provide, promote and co-ordinate lifelong education, training and research for KLenya’s sustainable development. POLICY OBJECTIVES 1. To achieve education for all (EFA) by 2015 2. To achieve transition rate of 70% from primary to secondary from the current rate of 57% 3. To enhance access, equity and quality primary education 4. To achieve 50% improvement levels of literacy by 2015 5. To attain universal primary education (UPE). This is in line with the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals 6. To reduce the number of primary school children drop outs. ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE POLICY 1. Increase in number of children enrolled in primary schools. Primary education has witnessed phenomenal growth since the policy was established. The number of primary school pupils rose dramatically from 5. 9 million in 2002 to 7. 6 million in 2005 to 82. 78 in 2009, according to a World Bank report, published in 2010 2. Significant reduction in the repetition rate. The number of students repeating and dropping out has reduced significantly() this may be attributed to the fact that parents no longer have to think about paying school fees. CHALLENGES FACED BY THE POLICY. 1. Delays in Funds Disbursement Delays in distributing funds to support free primary school education is one of the challenges facing the policy implementation. This has frustrated many teachers, put pressure and on parents financial burdens. Teachers thus lack motivation to teach the increasing number of pupils as a result of the introduction of the policy. 2. Teacher Shortages A UNESCO survey on the evaluation of the Free Primary policy (UNESCO, 2005) indicates that the teacher: pupil ratio, in a significant number of schools was 1:70 which was far beyond the recommended maximum rate of 1:40. Such a high ratio has got challenges. For example, teachers find it impossible to pay attention to all learners, especially the slow ones. Also teachers were not able to give adequate assignments to the pupils, as they could not cope with the marking and teaching workload (UNESCO, 2005). 3. Teacher-Learning Facilities There is a challenge in the limited teacher-learning facilities, which forces pupils to share. Sharing of facilities such as textbooks, exercise books, pens e. t. c has affected pupil’s accessibility to the books while at home and many have to do their homework early in the morning the next day when in school. There is also the issue of inadequate physical facilities where most schools did not have adequate classroom to accommodate the large number of pupils enrolled under the FPE programmes. 4. Managerial Skills Most school managers (the head teachers) are not well equipped in managerial skills. This is to say that their managerial skills are poor and these results to poor results by the schools they head as well as mismanagement of available funds. 5. Mobility from Public to Private and within Public Schools This may not be a major challenge but it still is a challenge. Teachers complain that pupils’ frequent transfers from one school to another at any point of the term and in any class affect content delivery. This may be as a result of a preference for free and cheaper education, school availability and its proximity as well as the highest grade offered in a school. A lower fee is also a factor, and cheaper or free schools seemed to be an important motivation for school transfer. 6. Embezzlement of Funds and Corruption Embezzlement of funds is a core challenge. Some government officials are corrupt and hence there is mismanagement or misallocation of funds that are allocated to them, (UNESCO, 2005). For instance, the sponsor’s funds; this makes some children who are poor miss the opportune moments of schooling. I addition to that, senior officials in the Ministry of Education, in Kenya have been accused of protecting corrupt headmasters suspected of embezzling funds because they are also indirectly benefiting from incentives that are being paid by parents, disgruntled senior education officials have revealed, (UNESCO, 2005). RECCOMENDATIONS 1. Timely release of funds. Funds should be released as soon as they are available. This will ensure the teachers and students remain motivated to learn. 2. Increase numbers of teachers employed and increase their wages. Increasing the number of teachers permanently employed in public primary schools will help to take care of the teacher-student ratio. Increasing their wages will also ensure that the teachers are motivated to do their work well. 3. Investing in Teacher-Learning Facilities. The government should invest in building more classrooms to reduce the current congestion in the classrooms. The government should also work hand in hand with sponsors and international investors to ensure the pupils have enough books, pens and other facilities needed by both teachers and pupils. 4. Training of managers. Heads of schools should be trained on how to manage the funds given to them as well as efficiently running the schools. 5. Monitor ministry officials and those handling the funds. An organization or body that can monitor the ministry officials and those handling the funds such as the anti-corruption commission of Kenya to ensure that those handing the funds are not corrupt and those caught in corrupt practices face the law. REFERENCES 1. UNESCO (2005). Challenges of implementing free primary education in Kenya: assessment report. Kenya. Nairobi: Ministry of Education, Science Technology. 2. Okwach, A. and George, O. (1997). Efficiency of primary education in Kenya: situational analysis and implications for educational reform. Nairobi: Institute of Policy Analysis and Research. 3. UNESCO (2006). Fact book on education for all, UNESCO Nairobi 4. Voss, R. ; Bedi, A. ; Kimalu, P. K. ; Manda,D. K. ; Nafula,N. N; Kimenyi, M. S. Achieving universal primary education: Can Kenya Afford it? University of Connecticut: Department of Economics working paper series.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Engrave New Footprints In The Sand :: essays research papers

There were two strolling hearts that reposed on a huge rock at a near shore. As the sunset revealed its passion, they watched over the two sets of footprints they engraved in the sand. The scene had made them thought of eternity..two becoming one. There was heaven in their hearts and each step engraved a zeal of an endless love. But such heart-felt scene ended when the waves of the sea rushed towards the shore and washed the sand, leaving the sets of footprints unseen. Suddenly, the lovely sunset was covered with dark clouds and the soft breeze altered into a fierce wind. Heaven, then, became an illusion; the dream ended into a nightmare. And the rock were both of them once dreamt was left alone, all alone... When we fall in love, it is our great desire to let the feeling remain in hearts. Often, we feed this feeling by clinging to the other. Sometimes the demand for satisfaction is needed because of the fear of starving the heart. As we marvel towards the odyssey of our lives, we may pass to the point wherein our hearts become empty and longing. We feel the need to quench ourselves by seeking the oasis of love. Still, there are hearts that remain at lost and leave themselves to die and wither. Many of us find it easy to play the melodies of love, but when things get rough and out of tune, we would actually avoid it and sometimes, go silent. There is also a tendency to give up and escape from the reality. We must remember that the more we unravel the wonders of love, the more challenges we have to take. The sweetness of life's bitter can be achieved if we accept the challenges of love. This acceptance motivates us to grow.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Management Future: Water Management

Corporate water management: Risk for corporations – Opportunity for consultancy services Student Number: 440008 University of Portsmouth word count: 2646 (excluded figures, table of contents, references and executive summary) â€Å"This is to verify that this is my own work and that it has not been used in part in the assessment of other units in my degree† *********************** Executive summary: Water scarcity will be a vital resource for business in the future. In a report in 2008, it is indicated that water imports to UK accounted for 62% virtual water consumption [ (Chapagain & Stuart, 2008) ].It is predicted that the usage of water in agriculture will rise 30% in 2025 [ (Black, 2010) ] and water availability per capita has reduced by 5 times compare to statistic in 1950 [ (UNDP) ]. In correlation with the decrease in water supply, there has been significant increase in social concerns and customer attitudes toward environmental problems [ (Top of Mind Survey , 2010) ]. The water impacts on individuals, corporations, and communities have been realized and increasingly concern about over the same period.Water footprints, water supply-managements are identifiable practices which are introduced for public and private sectors [ (WWF, 2009; IBM, 2008) ]. However, despite the impacts of water issues, the business responses to the problems have been considerably weak [ (Barton, 2010) ]. At the same time, consultancy market has been indicated as a potential field of investment (Appendix 4). Triangulation of trends data suggests a potential market for consultancy service of water management.The article highlighted the business opportunities and profitability that it could bring which include: better knowledge of water supply chain to reduce environmental impact which is an essential value for business, understanding of water footprints practices hence improving CSR. It also proposed the main competitive advantages as low capital requirements and uniqueness of the services. However, it is predicted to have a reducing market share for the future. Low barrier of entries and the shortage in human-resource might be the main ressures. In order to examine this business opportunities, different sets of strategic and market analytical frameworks have been exercised aligning with discussion throughout the article. Contents 1 – Introduction:4 2 – Methodology4 3 – Trends data related to Water management5 3. 1 – Water – a scarce resource5 3. 2 – Escalating concern for social responsibility7 4 – Connections between trends8 5 – Future prediction8 5. 1 – Water scarcity – a worsening trend8 5. 2 – Demand for CSR trend10 6 – Opportunity evaluation and justification 11 – Conclusion12 References13 Appendices16 Appendix 1: Water stress map and Population density16 Appendix 2: Water and Water footprint17 Appendix 3: Opinion survey on climate changes (ONS, 2010)18 Appendix 4: Business Opportunity analysis20 1 – Introduction: Companies have been focused on â€Å"green washing† their images with environmental activities concern with fossil fuels, emission, carbon footprints, etc. But another major subject has been long omitted in this area however is water and water usage throughout the supply chain of the business.It is critical to understand that consumptions of goods and services play tremendous role in water preservation on a global scale [ (Ercin, Aldaya, & Hoekstra, 2009) ]. For the equality and sustainability in the future growth, better knowledge and insights to water management are required for businesses in order to achieve its CSR goals. Environmental consultancy services and business advisories, with timely response can play a proactive part in encouraging, promoting, and providing water management services for businesses in the near future.The service will focus on aligning economic growth of sustainabilit y with water preservation and other related-environmental problems in the business. The consultancy can also provide traceability service and educate traceability managers [ (Wylie, 2010) ] who can examines global supply chain through imports, exports, setting water standards, water footprint reporting, etc. The potential customers are massively wide-ranged from private companies to multinational companies as well as government and non-government agencies. Justification of business opportunity will be carried out in the last section along with the conclusion.The next section will briefly describe the research methodology of the study and key trends related. 2 – Methodology For this project, secondary data is used as the main source. Chris defined secondary sources as data which has been collected previously and reported by other people (2005). The secondary data are fact and figures from different environmental electronic source including United Nation (UN) website, Water Foo tprint Network (WFN) website and Office of National Statistic (ONS) website. Data about water footprint, CSR is from professional reports, and journal articles.Statistical and qualitative data gathered is the vital foundation to discussions of the business and triangulation of trends and figures. In fact, the major advantage of secondary data is its readiness for collection, extensive amount of empirical research are available in qualitative and quantitative forms from various sources. Secondary data are decoded and explained so that they are understandable and easy to read [ (Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2009, pp. 195 – 200) ]. Secondly, it is inexpensive with information which cannot be easily obtained individually.However, limitations of secondary data are also considered. Secondary data are collected and analyzed for different purposes and therefore general and irrelevant to the topic of the project. Furthermore, data used in the research are collected variably thus its quality and reliability must be questioned [ (Francis & Wesley, 1963) ]. Primary data collection could be useful but will be costly and time-consuming for the project [ (Chris, 2005, p. 107) ]. Appendices provided statistics related to water footprint, opinion survey about climate change and other water-related data. Some of the figures and table will be irectly put into the content of the article for better explanation to viewer. There are a lot of strategic and marketing analytical frameworks have been used which are PESTEL analysis, Porter’s five forces, Longenecker’s opportunity recognition criteria (Appendix 4). 3 – Trends data related to Water management There are two main trends which are connected and interrelated to the business opportunity. There are also sub-trends discussed within each of the category to further analysis. 3. 1 – Water – a scarce resource â€Å"The Earth cannot withstand a systematic increase of material things. If we grow by using more stuff, I'm afraid we'd better start looking for a new planet. † (Spoken by Robert Shapiro) a) Water shortage Nowadays, problems with water have been a rising controversy for humanity. World usages of water have been quadrupled to 4000 km3 per years while population has growth 3 times in 60 years (figure 1). Major contribution for the increase is agriculture and a growing figure on industry and municipal water use. Figure 1: Estimated Annual water use of the world [ (Kirby, 2004) ] According to UN estimates, more than half of the world's population now lives in cities [ (BBC News, 2008) ].Population density map (Appendix 1) of UK shows an inextricable link of urban areas with water stress map (Appendix 2. 4). World supply of portable water declines, the density of population in urbanized area increases the inefficiency of water supplies and continuingly enlarges water problems [ (Cetron ;amp; Davis, 2008) ]. Human activities include industry, domestic u se, etc which could affect the water supply as well as other trends such as globalization and industrialization. [ (International Year of Fresh Water 2003) ] b) Water management – UK Case The amount of water used to produce food and goods imported by developed countries such as UK is worsening water shortages in the developing world† (Black, 2010) In the case of UK, import goods from other countries are contributing to the water shortage in other nations. According to Chapagain ;amp; Stuart (2008), 62% of the total water in the UK is accounted for by water from other countries, while 38% is used from domestic water resources (Appendix 2. 1) Previous data shows that water consumed by UK residents are averagely 152 litres per days from 1995 to 2008(Appendix 2. ). Nevertheless, the amount of water indirectly embedded in consumption are massively larger. Embedded water in 1kg of beef are 15000 litres while 1 chunk of cheese are 2500 litres; hence with this calculation UK co nsumers only see 3% of water usages they are accountable for (Black, 2010). From 1995 to 2001, 70% of water source are from import goods while 30% water of UK usage are self-generated (Appendix 2. 2). With the increasing trend of usage of importing water, water exhaustion will occur for the rest of the world. 3. 2 – Escalating concern for social responsibility ) Demand for social responsibility from customers and society. Consumers and society are growingly concern about climate and environmental issues. In an opinion survey of ONS, the number of UK residents who are worried about climate changes and environment is over 80% constantly from 2006 to 2009, 30% of people seriously concern about environmental problems (Appendix 3. 3). Nevertheless, the percentage believes environmental impacts to be top three priorities declined from 2007 to 2009 of 9% (Appendix 3. 1). This may due to a recession which introduced major economic problems during the period thus shifted societyâ€⠄¢s attention.On the other hand, 82% of respondents are ready to change their behaviour to reduce climate change’s consequences (Appendix 3. 3). b) Water CSR: responses for Business sustainability For businesses, CSR has been ranked 3rd in 2009 and 2nd in 2010 as concerning issues for consumer goods industry [ (Top of Mind Survey, 2010) ]. Friedman (2007) also identified in his article a strong link between good CSR and profitability of the firm. However, disclosures of corporate water performance from different sectors are surprisingly weak.From a benchmarking study of 100 companies [ (Barton, 2010) ] which examine water performance disclosure quality with a score range from 0 to 100 points, there is no company surpasses 43 points and the average highest score are achieved in mining sector with only 28 points (figure 2). Figure 2: Average score by sector of water disclosure quality from 100 companies [ (Barton, 2010) ] 4 – Connections between trends Water shortage and water-related stresses put corporations into potential problems. Recent reports of WWF and WFN (Or, Cartwight, ;amp; Tickner, 2008; Hoekstra A. Y. 2008) has identified four type of risk related to water issues that business could possibly face: * Physical risk: The shortage of water in the future will be a major problem for businesses. * Reputational risk: Disclosure, quality of disclosre, and other water CSR issues may be questioned by public thus damaging company’s image. * Regulatory risk: As water shortage is a global trend, government will introduce more strict policies and regulations on water resources. * Financial risk: The consequences of the above will be increase in cost/decrease in revenue. (Or, Cartwight, ;amp; Tickner, 2008)For CSR of water, Gerben – Leenes ;amp; Hoekstra, (2008) presented the â€Å"business water footprint† as total fresh water used directly and indirectly in a production process of a business. It categorized as 2 major type: ope rational water footprints which are water used directly in the operation and supply chain water footprint which are used indirectly. Barton, (2010) implies that reduction of water footprint should be part of business environment approach along with other methods like carbon footprints. International trade and business activities has a close link with local water depletion and pollution [ (Hoekstra ;amp; Chapagain, 2008, p. 8) ]. 5 – Future prediction 5. 1 – Water scarcity – a worsening trend â€Å"Forecasts suggest that when the world's population soars beyond 8bn in 20 years time, the global demand for food and energy will jump by 50%, with the need for fresh water rising by 30%. † [ (Black, 2010) ] Human activities especially agriculture will incessantly put pressures on water supply (figure 3). Climate change and population growth will burden agriculture to produce more which increase the demand for water while industry consumption of water will reduce as technology increases.Figure 3: projection of water usage in agriculture, industry and municipal Water availability is projected to keep a decrease for the future (Figure 3). Figure 3: Water availability per capita (UNDP) For a more depressing view, several projections illustrated that approximately 48 to 60 countries will face water scarcity by 2050 with at least 2 billion people in danger [ (UN-Water, 2010) ]. If the problem with water becomes critical globally, the UK development will also be influenced. Water imported to UK are majorly for agriculture products (Appendix 2. 2).The main source of water (virtual water ) in UK comes from imported goods and foods. 5. 2 – Demand for CSR trend Government in response to energy and environmental issues will impose strict regulations on corporate, industries will have more pressures for social responsibilities. Water responsibility should have a much wider-range of measurement and business should embrace a wider set of values to sustain economic growth in the future and prevent incoming water crisis. * Sustainability in future? Figure 4: risk over time associated with corporate water-related interventions. (WWF, 2009) ] In the time of government intervention and corporate responses to water-related issues and other mega-trends (Demographic shift, economic growth, and climate change), risks of water will decrease to a level that meet intervention level (figure 4). In fact, a sustainability future can be achieved with responsibilities shared for everyone [ (HMGovernment, 2005) ]. 6 – Opportunity evaluation and justification The growing concern of water scarcity and public interest in social responsibility are two main trends which will impose pressures to both policies makers and businesses.Pioneers with awareness to areas where water issues are most serious can express actual developments; and turn this to competitive advantage [ (Pegram, Or, & Williams, 2009) ]. However, in order to make clear a lignment between policies, water-based knowledge and corporate interests (shareholder values, profitability, CSR), there will be a gap for corporate water management developed whilst will encourage consultancy services. Water management consultancy service will have two main focuses: * Water footprints accounting practices for corporations Supply-chain water management The former will enhance business practices of CSR, assisting in building a green image for company and control, review efficiently and effectively the water supply-chain while the latter will analysis, evaluate and give advices to where business could improve its water supply chain. Both will be Unique Selling Points in consultant industry which other competitors do not have (auditors, financial advisors, etc). The uniqueness of the service and excellent quality will be main differentiations to competitors.There are insufficient data about market share and demand for consultant services presently; a primary data resea rch would be useful but the scope of this project does not allow. Nevertheless, the market demand are predicted to dramatically increase with the concerns about water-scarcity and social responsibility demand [ (Or, Cartwight, & Tickner, 2008) ]. Particularly, UK will require a wide range of knowledge about water supply-chain management. It is indicated via Porter’s five forces than 5 threats to this industry is considerably low (Appendix 4. 2) which can be explained by its service-nature and knowledge-based gaps.Nevertheless, in the long-term, demand for consultancy services could be decreased. Government regulations and business awareness increase [ (Barton, 2010) ] which may reduce water risks thus the need for consultant services will reduce. This will lead to the problem of sustainable profitability and development in the long-term of the business. Furthermore, reputation development will be crucial for consultant service to ensure quality, reliability and effectiven ess of the service provided. This is a long-term process which requires a lot of marketing and R&D funding.Another factor needs to be considered is financial side of the business. With small capital investment requirement, the investment in business is predicted to be low (estimation of ? 50. 000). With a small to medium-size enterprise which operates efficiently, business could have a payback time of 2 to 3 years and IRR rate amount to 10% cost of capital. However, what is critical is knowledge-based values (intangible assets), with the little people who can have water knowledge and corporate business knowledge about CSR and other consultancy areas combined.Training and Learning may be a problem for mid-long term development that business could possibly face. Last but not least, potentially large number of competitors could appear in the future. Demand for this knowledge gap of water will be filled with concerns about water crisis. IBM has run its program about water name †Å"smarter water management† to explore approaches to water management [ (IBM, 2008) ]. Master (Msc) course for water management has been introduced as part of education scheme for Unesco-IHI: Institute of water education [ (UNESCO, 2009) ].However this education development could as well turn into advantages when more water-managers are available to reduce bargaining power of suppliers. 7 – Conclusion In conclusion, with the water shortage as a predicted trend for humanity in the future and the demand for social responsibilities comes from society in which customers are the direct pressure. It is noticeable for firms and companies to have appropriate response to the problem in a global scale. Therefore, with the demand for water-management knowledge in the future, this would suggest that there is an unexplored field of water-consultant services for consultant industry.The uniqueness of the services provided by corporate water management package will be the main competit ive advantage for the companies as clients’ growingly concern for CSR. Low capital investment required, critical knowledge-based resources about water-management will contribute to the business success rate. However, the reduction in demand for the service in the future and reputation requirements will be the major issues that business may have to face in the long-term development. References Barton, B. (2010). Musky water?Corporate reporting on water risk: A benchmarking study of 100 companies. Ceres. BBC News. (2008, November 5). Retrieved November 17, 2010, from Growing Slums â€Å"face water crisis†: http://news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/sci/tech/7708120. stm Black, R. (2010, April 19). BBC. Retrieved April 25, 2010, from UK water use â€Å"worsening water crisis†: http://news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/8628832. stm Cetron, M. J. , & Davis, O. (2008). 55 trends shaping tomorrow's world: Forcasts and implications for Business, Government and Consumers. Maryland: World fut ure society. Chapagain, A. , ;amp; Stuart, O. 2008). 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Retrieved April 23, 2010, from http://www. unwater. org/ WWF. (2009). Water Footprinting:Identifying and Addressing Water Risks in the Value Chain. WWF. Wylie, I. (2010, January 9th). Jobs of the Future. Retrieved April 25, 2010, from The Guardian: http://www. guardian. co. uk/money/2010/jan/09/jobs-of-the-future/print Appendices Appendix 1: Water stress map and Population density 1. 2 Population density in the UK Sources: ONS (2003) 1. 2 Water stress in regions of UK Sources: ONS (2003)Appendix 2: Water and Water footprint Consist of 3 figures: Water footprint in UK, Water footprint versus water scarcity, self-sufficiency and water import dependency. Domestic water consumption in UK 2. 1 Water footprint in UK (extracted from WFN, 2010) | Water footprint| Water footprint by consumption category| | Total| Per capita| Consumption of domestic water| Consumption of agricultural goods| Consumption of industrial goods| | | | Internal water foot print| Internal water footprint| External water footprint| Internal water footprint| External water footprint|   Measurement: m3/cap/yr |UK| 73. 07| 1245| 38| 218| 592| 114| 284| 2. 2. Water footprint versus water scarcity, self-sufficiency and water import dependency per country period 1997-2001 (Extracted from WFN, 2010) Country| Total renewable water resources| Internal water footprint| External water footprint| Total water footprint| Water scarcity| Water self-sufficiency| Water import dependency|   | 109 m3/yr| 109 m3/yr| 109 m3/yr| 109 m3/yr| %| %| %| UK| 147. 00| 21. 67| 51. 40| 73. 07| 50| 30| 70| .| | | | | | | | 2. 3. Domestic water consumption in UK (source: ONS)Appendix 3: Opinion survey on climate changes [ (ONS, 2010) ] 3. 1 Percentage considering climate change to be the most important/in top three most important issues facing Britain 3. 2 Attitude to climate change and behavior change for UK residents 3. 3 How concern you are to climate change and environmental i mpacts Appendix 4: Business Opportunity analysis This part will consist of 3 figures: water management future – PESTEL analysis, water management consultancy market – Porter’s five forces anaylysis, Longenecker’s opportunity evalution criteria 4. 1 Water management PESTEL analysis.Corporate water Management Future – PESTEL AnalysisPolitical * Privatization of water has been demonstrated as a threat to water supply with concerns about politics, pollution, human right to access water and the threat of monopolization of water (Salina, 2008). * Sustainability development policies has been developed since 2005 by UK government (HMGovernment, 2005) which shows concerns of government about future environmental problems * Political issues between parts of the world will indirectly affect the supply of water especially to poor people. â€Å"Water war† as a black swan but actually happened in Bolivia in 2000 (Salina, 2008)Economic * Cost of water will go up as the water supply decrease, unstable supply of water will * Import/export goods will play a major role for water management in the 21st century (Chapagain ;amp; Stuart, 2008). Water consumption of developed countries outmatched other regions which is a serious misallocation. * Specialization, outsourcing will have major impact on water supply and quality.Agriculture, industry increasingly pose negative effects on water (International Year of Fresh Water 2003) * Businesses increasingly concerns about corporate social responsibilitySocial * Access to freshwater is a growing concern for the society. 1. 2 billion people are suffering from water shortage in 2009 (Living Planet Report, 2008) * Sanitation of water is an apprehension as diseases related to water are increasing. Changing attitude of community about climate change and water shortage in the future will * Water users does not realize the real amount of water they using hence exercise shortage of responsibilities * Drou ght, water-related epidemic are wild-cardsTechnological * Government spending on management and water preservation research * New method of calculating virtual water: water footprint * Water preservation practices * Innovations in water allocation, water protection methodsBreakthrough in technology, innovative discovery of water management can be a wild cardEnvironmental * Pollution of water reduce availability of water supply for humanity, chemicals from industrial activities cannot be fully absorbed by water lead to many other problems with the ecosystems * Carbon emissions, global warming: â€Å"According to UN-Water’s reports (2010) Global warming will be the cause of rising salinity level of water, sea level increases by 5 to 88 cm compared to 1990 figures.Consequently, it is revealed that 20% of water scarcity is responsible by climate change. * Water living stocks are reducing as rivers, lakes, other water sources deplete. (Living Planet Report, 2008)Legislation * The right to access fresh and clean water: Large non-government organizations (WHO, UN) set up policies and declaration that water is a fundamental source to life and health which people have the right to access regardless economic circumstances. * Control over import/export goods: Water footprint regulations on corporations to estimate virtual water| 4. 2 Water management consultancy market – Porter analysis (Content in the next page) 4. Longenecker’s opportunity evaluation criteria [ (Longenecker, Moore, Palich, ;amp; Petty, 2005) ] Market factors * The consultancy service will be based on business need to manage water-sources, it must be clear that firms start to realize the important of Water-related CSR. * Technology available (water footprints) but not widely adopted * Knowledge gap (corporate water management, manage water supply chain) Competitive Advantage * The product or service delivered must surpass competitors in some key areas. * Unique service provider: Wa ter management for businesses, footprint accounting. * Deliver long-term value in CSR for clients. Economics The financial feasibility of the project and the ability to grow and being profitable needs to be examined. (Rickman, 2005) ] * Possibly a very large market (apply for all corporation, organizations, and companies) * Low initial costs, setup costs, flexible. Management Capacity * Low capital requirement, small amount of management requires * Could operate as small business type. * Investigation of government policies changes, collaboration with resource-protection, environmental organizations (WFN, UN). * Marketing strategy aims for big organizations first then small and medium enterprises. Fatal Flaws * Business perception for CSR will remain limited (another short-term trend) ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Corporate social responsibility [ 2 ]. Robert Shapiro, CEO of the Monsant o Corporation which is a

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The 21st Century Journalist s Creed Essay - 1474 Words

The 21st Century Journalist’s Creed â€Å"The Journalist’s Creed† by Walter Williams is one of the most important documents ever published for journalism. Its values of accuracy, fairness, and above all are still some of the main ideas of journalism today. But, much like other important documents throughout history, it is meant to be interpreted in different ways for different centuries. While its values still are very important in today’s journalism, it was written 100 years ago. It was written in a time without television, without the Internet, and without social media applications. Anyone with a social media application can â€Å"perform† the functions of journalism and it raises questions of accountability and accuracy for journalism as a whole. We must take a look at â€Å"The Journalist’s Creed† and rewrite it to include some ideas from the original and add others that can be used in the age of technology. Walter Williams highlights a few key ideas in his journalism creed, one of which is the profession of journalism. Truthfulness, objectivity, impartiality, fairness and accountability to the public are just a few of the main principles that go along with the idea of a professional journalist. Truthfulness is very important in journalism because they are here to serve the public and to give the public false information can lead to the decay of journalism as a whole. If journalists start putting out false ideas, or facts, then the citizens will start to question everything aShow MoreRelatedDescriptive Essay About Sports And Football1054 Words   |  5 Pagesin English from around 1300 being anything humans find amusing or entertaining.[9] Other meanings include gambling and events staged for the purpose of gambling; hunting; and games and diversions, including ones that require exercise.[10] Roget s defines the noun sport as an activity engaged in for relaxation and amusement with synonyms including diversion and recreation.[11] Nomenclature The singular term sport is used in most English dialects to describe the overall concept (e.g. childrenRead MoreFanny Fern : The Not So Humorous History Of Feminist Satire1529 Words   |  7 PagesFanny Fern: The Not So Humorous History of Feminist Satire In the 21st century, many women, myself included, take for granted that we can wear whatever we desire and say what we want, in public, without the fear of being thrown in jail. 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