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Factors Among Recent Gestational Diabetes -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Factors Among Recent Gestational Diabetes? Answer: Introduction: The main purpose of the paper is to critically appraise two articles investigating about the factors affecting physical activity in pregnant and postpartum women and young adults perspective about smoking, quitting and Healthcare lifestyle in Vancouver, Canada. Through the use of appropriate critical appraisal tool, the paper gives a discussion on the key research problem presented in the articles and the strength and weakness of the article is proposing best solution to address the problem. Ethical issues in conducting research have also been examined and short summary is also presented about the implications of the study for health care practice. The report will have good implications for staffs working in health promotion and public health department. Tool selection: The CASP (Critical Appraisal Skills Programme) tool has been selected for critical appraisal of the article by Doran and Davis (2011) and Haines-Saah et al. (2013). The tool has been specifically designed to make sense of the evidence and follows stepwise questions when reading research articles. In accordance with different research design, there are eight types of CASP tool to evaluate research article. This includes systematic reviews, randomized controlled trial, diagnostic checklist, economic evaluation, qualitative checklist, case control, cohort study and clinical prediction checklist (Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) 2018). For the two articles that will be appraised in this paper, the CASP qualitative checklist and the CASP cohort checklist will be used. The advantage of using CASP based tool is that CASP mainly specializes in providing critical appraisal skills, training and workshops, hence their tool can be a good source of guidance to check the research articles for validity, trustworthiness and relevance to the field of research. When new research come up in the field of health care, it is necessary to be aware of methods or questions to understand the real worth of treatment or interventions. Hence, the CASP tool is found useful in assessing whether the research has been properly conducted or not and deciding whether the results presented is reliable and trustworthy for target audience. The philosophy of CASP is sharing knowledge and the tools are readily accessible for day to day application in health care research (Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) 2018). Critical appraisal: Critical analysis for article 1 After reading the article by Haines-Saah et al. (2013), it can be said that the research has a clear aim which was to consider young adults photo narratives about smoking and quitting and their links to healthy lifestyle in Vancouver, Canada. Research in this area is considered necessary because the national survey data of Canada has revealed that people in the age group of 20-24 years accounts for the highest number of smokers despite the decline in tobacco use in 10 years (Health Canada, 2010). Hence, knowing about young adults photo narratives related to smoking and quitting may help to develop effective strategies to support cessation of smoking in the group. Haines-Saah et al. (2013) choose to illuminate about the views of participants by the use of participant driven photography method and adapting qualitative research approach to conduct interview with them. The of qualitative methodology is considered effective for this research because the interview transcripts along with photographs can help in accurately categorizing research data and evaluating experience of participants in specific context. Qualitative approach is used in research when the aim is to uncover trends related thoughts and opinion of target group (Silverman 2016). The use of participant driven photography is also a novel approach as it can empower participants involvement in community development activities (Van Auken et al. 2010). The strength of the study by Haines-Saah et al. (2013) is that its method has full clarity because the author has explicitly discussed about the research design and rational for adapting specific recruitment strategy. For example, the author explained about the reasons for taking broader eligibility criteria and the need for participation in focus group after completion of interview. Clear justification about research design gives idea about research rigor and considerations made by researcher to successfully fulfill core objectives of research (Creswell and Poth 2017). Haines-Saah et al. (2013) had taken convenience sampling strategy to recruit participants for the research. The main explanation given for this strategy was that it was more convenient and this strategy enhanced accessibility to participants on the campus of universities. This strategy saves the time required in conducting research and choosing research participant in short time (Etikan, Musa, and Alkassim, 2016). The inclusion criteria of taking those who quit smoking within the last 30 days also helped to get valuable answers to the research question. The key strength of the research by Haines-Saah et al. (2013) is the detailed manner in which data was collected. For instance, the author gave detailed insight into method by which interview was conducted and participants were invited to participate in focus group. The rational for this step was also provided. For example, interview and focus group was necessary to marketing participants aware about research process, camera processing and ways to write about the content of the photographs. Interview helped to explore issues in greater depth. The form of data is also very clear because duration of interviews and mode of recording interview was also provided. This consideration enhanced the reliability and credibility of the study. The study by Haines-Saah et al. (2013) is a very good example to show how relationship between researcher and participants is considered in research. This can be said because author considered eliminating in data collection by using qualitative analysis programme. This programme helped categorize the data and it eliminated individual judgment of research in affecting study result. Such research can be easily replicated by others and can find true application in target group. The research by Haines-Saah et al. (2013) demonstrates full understanding about ethical issues in research as it fulfilled all ethical obligations in conducting research. For example, the researchers meth with each participants to give brief about consent form, aim of study, research procedures and waivers for use of photograph in research. Maintaining such kind of ethical norm is necessary while conducting research because it promotes the values needed for collaborative work such as trust, accountability and fairness (Roberts 2015). The data analysis process is rigorous yet clear. This can be said because data was generated after entering video transcripts, photographs, caption and field notes into qualitative analysis programme. This helped to categorize data into codes of lifestyles, identities, smoking history, quitting process and place. This further lead to two substance themes (Haines-Saah et al. 2013). Hence, the data was sufficient to support the findings and critically examine their validity in relation to research question. The research finding has been presented in separate heading according to the theme of impact of Vancouvers health culture on smoking cessation and role of outdoor space in providing opportunities for smoking and quitting. These two themes gave nuances description of adults views regarding smoking and quitting. It mainly gives the insight that health practices in young adults are influenced by separate socio-spatial context and there is a need target health culture of any area to promote smoking cessation. The participants narratives was covered in detail, however on major limitation in the study is that the no arguments has been given regarding any alternative outcome by comparison with previous research articles. This limits the validity of evidence and applicability in real context (Noble and Smith, 2015). The research is found valuable and applicable for use in the context of Vancouver only because socio-spatial context of different areas may be different. Hence, if the research outcome needs tobe applied in new population, there is a need to consider about health culture in those area. Critical analysis for article 2 Yes, Doran and Davis (2011, p. 79) mentioned about the goal of research which was to explore the factors that affect physical activity participation in women during pregnancy and postpartum period particularly in women experiencing gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)and attention that pregnant women pays to physical activity. Research in this area is important because many evidence has provided that women do not achieve desired levels of physical activity during pregnancy (Zhang et al. 2014; Hayes et al. 2015). Hence, knowing about the factors that hinders physical activity may help in implementing appropriate and cost effective health strategy to promote physical activity. The findings will have relevance for staffs in primary care setting and those involved in health promotion related activities. To get answer to the research question, Doran and Davis (2011, p. 80) focused on evaluating beliefs about physical activity by conducting surveys with pregnant women and those experiencing GDM. The focus on this cohort was important because pregnant women are more prone to risk of GDM and physical activity is one factor that can promote health of women. The cohort was reflective of target population because all pregnant women even those with GDM were selected from local antenatal clinic Although Doran and Davis (2011, p. 80) has discussed about the use of survey method and convenience sampling to collect objective research data, however the research article lacks discussion on the rational for selecting specific research design. For instance, it gave idea using survey questions related to factors influencing physical activity and advice given on physical activity. However, the score were not evaluated by use of reliable tools. Hence, the classification was not accurately measures and this may lead to biasness in study outcome Yes, Doran and Davis (2011, p. 80) has mentioned about the strategy chosen for recruitment of research participants which was the use of convenience sampling method. It is a non-probability sampling technique that involved selecting people who are easy to reach. However, one major drawback found in reporting about recruitment strategy is that author has not given any detail regarding the reason for taking such strategy and the appropriateness of the sample for the study. This form of limitation creates ambiguity and hampers the quality of the study. As survey method was used for conducting the research, Doran and Davis (2011, p. 80) validated the development of survey questionnaires by critically reviewing past research on factors influencing physical activity participation during and after pregnancy. In this way, the survey method was made explicit and confounding factors affecting response was addressed The factors mentioned in past research became a guide for preparing close-ended questions for the survey. However, the discussion on the methods used for framing survey questionnaire is the only strength of data collection as the author has not addressed other vital parts such as justifying the methods chosen and taking any alternative strategy during the course of research. No consideration was also done by research to identify saturation of data. Such limitation hampers the credibility of the study. Sutton and Austin (2015) has showed that reflection before and during research process is necessary for researcher to provide co ntext and make things comprehensible for readers. In the study by Doran and Davis (2011, p. 80), no discussion was given regarding follow-up with participants after research. However, looking to identify and avoid bias would have helped in giving the opinion to reader that research was conducted in unprejudiced manner and the outcome of the research is fully reliable for application in real setting (Pannucci and Wilkins 2010). The results of the research were categorized on the basis of response received during pregnancy and after pregnancy and advice received by GDM and non GDM women. The rigor in data analysis is seen because the responses were measured on the basis of scores of yes, no or a lot. The percentage of samples giving response for each factors also demonstrated analysis process (Doran and Davis 2011, p. 81). Clear and precise statement of findings has been provided as Doran and Davis (2011, p. 81) showed that factors like lack of child care, time constraints and unwell feelings act as hinder physical activity, whereas family support, enjoyment in activities and intention to avoid later health problems facilitates physical activity. The findings is found to be reliable because the outcome has been compared by other research and compared in relation to research question too. The finding was found to be consistent with many past research (Evenson et al. 2009; Smith et al. 2005). The findings of the study is not considered reliable because the author has not considered about several confounding that could have an impact on study result. For instant, no consideration was made to choose specific recruitment strategy or analyze research data. Secondly, no information regarding briefing participants regarding research objective is hard to ignore as it may greatly affect participants response. The study by Doran and Davis (2011, p. 81). is considered valuables for its applicability in local population. It can help in planning lifestyle interventions promote health and wellness in pregnant women. The findings is likely to have direct impact on primary health care setting because it has the potential to facilitate partnership in care and taking multi-faceted strategies to enhance physical activity in pregnant women. The study by Doran and Davis (2011, p. 81) fits with other research evidence too because the study findings was compared with other research articles too and the findings were consistent with those evidence. For instance, Evenson et al. (2009) also showed that time constraints is a barrier to physical activity in pregnant women. The study Doran and Davis (2011, p. 81) has good implications for health care professionals to effectively interact with pregnant women and educate them regarding the ways to overcome barriers to physical activity. By the use of barriers and facilitators checklist, the manner of giving advice to pregnant women can be changed. It enhances health care professionals perspective related to physical activity counseling (Whitaker et al. 2016) Ethical issues: According to National Health and Medical Research Council (2015), analyzing risk and benefits of research, fulfilling general requirement for Informed consent and waiving conditions for consents are some of the important themes in research ethics. Secondly, there is a need to take ethical approval for research from Human Research Ethics Committee as part of research governance related activities. As diverse variety of participants are also selected for research who may have their own vulnerability, there is a need to be aware of ethical guidelines for conducting research with those groups too. By comparing and contrasting the quality of two research articles on the basis of National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Research, it can be said that the article by Haines-Saah et al. (2013) have addressed major ethical requirements in their research compared to Doran and Davis, 2011. This can be said because Doran and Davis, (2011) mentioned only about taking ethical approval for research a nd no other recruitment or inclusion strategy was provided to ensure that research ethics was followed. In contrast, Haines-Saah et al. (2013) is high quality evidence as it has fulfilled informed consent, confidentiality and waiving conditions for use of photography too. Summary of the implications of the appraised papers: The report gave critical insight into the strength and weakness of one qualitative and one quantitative research article. Both research had a unique area of focus and despite certain methodologies, there area certain important implications of the two research papers for practice too. For instance, in case of study by Doran and Davis, (2011) which focused on physical activity issues in pregnant and post partum women. The study findings has useful implication for health care professionals because they can use the checklist related to factors hindering and facility physical activity in pregnant women to effectively give suitable advice to clients. It may help to make pregnant women aware about the importance of physical activity not for pregnancy related outcome but also for optimal quality of life too (Miranda and Navo2013). The study by looked at examining the reasons for high smoking rate in youths in Vancouver by exploring their narratives related to smoking and quitting. The analysis of photos and notes from participants gave insight about the role of place and lifestyle in promoting healthy behavior in target group. Hence, study findings have implications for practice in health care and health promotion related activities. Therefore, if the focus is on targeting youths for smoking prevention, staffs can take the approach of facilitating participation of youths in culture of healthy living. 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